Top 10 Signs Your Soccer Club is Folding

woman with questions
Look for warning signs your soccer club is kaput!

Most soccer clubs go through periods of ups and downs – just like any business, marriage, professional sports team, president, etc.

In club soccer there may be some sure signs to look for to get a heads up if it is on the way out or may be merging (or being acquired) with/by another soccer club.

Here’s my top ten reasons your club soccer organization may be on the way out.

  1. When the top coaches leave within a very short time frame
  2. Other clubs in the area are picking up steam and heavily recruiting players, coaches, and trainers
  3. There are fewer teams than the prior year
  4. Cash flow – fees spike for some unknown reason and you can’t really see any services increase
  5. Coaches and management are slow to get back to you and provide vague answers to the most basic of questions
  6. You notice some of the top players leave for “another sport”, personal reasons or family time
  7. Not having enough players to fill out a team
  8. Player kids up, perhaps when they shouldn’t, and even these teams are underperforming
  9. Kids are missing practice, late for games, and just don’t seem to be as happy (usually a reflection of an unhappy coach)
  10. Soccer fields have goats on them…

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